
Vanessa Riley

Vanessa Riley's Schedule!!!

I love to interact with readers, talk about the importance of our history, our sisterhoods, and our collective power. Below is my current schedule, but please look at some of the pictures of past events to see all the fun.

Vanessa's Current Event and Tour Schedule

Below are some of Vanessa's favorite topics:

  1. Changing Perspectives of a Woman's Place and Power in History
  2. Claiming Your Story - How to Journal to Write the Book of Your Heart
  3. The Writer's Journey: Seven Things I Wish I Knew at the Beginning
  4. The Hybrid Author's Path: Traditional Publishing and Independent Publishing, The Five things to know to Design Your Path
  5.  Using History and Fiction to Change Corporate Culture
  6. Using Historical Fiction to Grow Organizational Empathy
  7. Pushing Past the Patriarchy to Empower Women: Four Key Steps that Everyone of Influence Must Know to Inact Change
  8. Cinderella has a Voice and Gets Her Fellow Even in the 1800s: Tools to Re-examine What We Think We Know About History
  9. Faith, Forgiveness, and Forging Your Own Path: Five Steps to Take to Build Your Better Future
  10. The Rich Caribbean Regency: Understanding the History of the West Indies in the Context of Freedom and Geopolitical Politics
  11. The Five Tools Every Armchair Historian Needs when Writing and Researching

Invite Vanessa to Present a Workshop